" Media operated by companies, including owned media, can be broadly divided into the following three types, each of which has its own role and specialty. Web media operated by an owned media company. It is often used for lead acquisition and branding purposes. Once created, it has the advantage of being able to be used for a long time. Paid Media Media where companies pay to place advertisements. Traditional media includes TV commercials and web advertisements. It has the advantage of being effective even in the short term. Earned Media Media such as SNS such as Twitter and Instagram and word-of-mouth sites.
It is characterized by the ability of consumers/users to freely communicate information. The information transmitted through earned media is highly reliable, and because each consumer transmits it individually, there is no cost involved. Advantages of owning Phone Number List media With so many different types of media available, why is owned media attracting attention? This is influenced by the characteristics of owned media and the effects that can be obtained from them. Advantage 1. You can create points of contact with customers.
Owned media, which can continuously disseminate information and store information, has the characteristic that it can easily become a point of contact for customers to contact your company. In the past, paid media such as TV commercials and magazine advertisements were an effective way to create points of contact with customers. However, in recent years, consumer behavior has become more fragmented due to the diversification of content and the spread of SNS, making paid media less effective than before. Another major change is that customers now search for information on their own and consider it from multiple angles.