To prevent vision your diet should include foods such as sweet potatoes salmon carrots blueberries avocados broccoli grapes turkey almonds cereals citrus fruits etc. These products contain vitamins A B C carotene lutein selenium zeaxanthin and others which have a beneficial effect on the visual organs. It is worth remembering that a healthy diet only helps in combination with a healthy lifestyle. Prevention of visual fatigue Prevention of visual fatigue It is worth visiting an ophthalmologist at least once a year . Not because something is bothering you but for preventive purposes.
Timely detection of vision abnormalities will help prevent further negative developments. Self-diagnosis of diseases is unacceptable. If vision correction is necessary you should use glasses rather than contact lenses when working at a computer . This will reduce Benin WhatsApp Number the possible dryness of the cornea. Also the use of glasses with a special coating protects the eyes from the blue spectrum of radiation and reduces the load on them. Hygiene before bed . Washing allows you to wash off all the dust and dirt that has accumulated on them throughout the day from your eyelids and eyelashes.
And women in addition need to thoroughly wash off all makeup from their faces to avoid possible irritation. You should not use a sleep mask . This is only shown beautifully in the movies. In fact using a mask can interfere with blood circulation in the eyes. And if you do use a mask it should not squeeze anything and should be washed periodically. Gymnastics for the eyes Almost everyone who works at a computer knows that there are special exercises for the eyes. Its main function is to train and relax the eye muscles.